Sunday, February 7, 2010
a surPrise f0r m!e~

a surprise for mY buffdaY n our 2nd anniversary. You w0n't believe h0w surprised n touched when i saw this boX on 3/02/10(exactly 2 weeks to our anni n my buffday =p

!t's reLi a dreaM come true afTer wanting to buY a CoacH BaG for some time...thank you deardear >.^

it's The auThenTic 'C0acH' LoGo =p

the ouTer Look 0f The BaG tat my deardear ch0se f0r m!e...!t's s0 exp~!!!***heart pain*** =x

the inner LooK of it...nice??i simpLy L0ve !t x333
HoPe aLL mY FrenSss wiL enj0Y the c0minG ValentiNe's DaY wif the!r L0veD 0neSss...
blogged @ 5.14 p.m.
Sunday, February 07, 2010