Tuesday, January 29, 2008
@nnual d!nn3r 2o.o8
y0z all,
my c0mpany's annual dinner was held last week 25/10/2008 @ Austin Hills Golf Resort and i attended the functi0n t0gether wif the c0lleagues that i have n0t seen f0r quite s0me time after they m0ve 0ver t0 new HQ building...
the dinner place was oni s0-s0 and the f0od als0 taste s0-s0...l0lx (betta n0t let my manager see tis >.<") but i luv da peoples...all my c0lleagues n i had fun taking photos even though not all of them but those who r close wif mie^^ fr0m left ms.chan,m!e,candy n sandy x33from left m!e,alice,janet,candy n vivian^^ felt abit sien c0s lucky draw i din get anything~!!!janet was lucky t0 win da 1st prize in llucky draw which is a water filtration system *che3rs t0 her*...candy wasn't s0 bad t0o c0s' she w0n the b3st dress award(female gr0up)...even though i did n0t get anythin but i blieve we all reli enj0yed 0urselves in da dinner.after all it was a chance f0r us t0 b gathered t0gether and if eu wana view m0re pics i t0ok during da dinner,feel free t0 view my frenster 0r faceb0ok^^
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
0v3rv!ew f0r Aquar!us !n 2o.o8
For Aquarius natives, 2008 is the year of novelty and harmony. If you are scared by the changes required by everything new, don't worry: the changes are for the better.
Jupiter has been in Capricorn since 2007, i.e. in Aquarius' Twelfth House, where it will stay for the whole year in 2008. It's an excellent period for introspection, reflection and self-analysis. It's now clear to you what you expect of life, what motivates you and what you have to solve in your life.
Saturn will be in Virgo, i.e. in Aquarius' Eighth House, all year round in 2008. You may have to clear up some issues about an inheritance or the material resources shared with other people (life partner, business partners).
Uranus, which is in Pisces, i.e. in Aquarius' Second House, is taking action in the same area of money. Uranus' transit in the house of money can cause sudden and surprising changes in your financial situation, like it has been doing since 2003 on.
Neptune continues its transit begun in 1998 in Aqaurius, i.e. in Aquarius' house of self. Since Neptune symbolizes inspiration and idealism, you have the tendency to consider yourself misunderstood by the others, but you enjoy a great intuition and an overwhelming creative imagination.
At the end of January 2008, Pluto joins Jupiter in Aqaurius' Twelfth House. Pluto will stay here until 2024, with the exception of a short return to Sagittarius (Aquarius' Eleventh House) between June and November 2008. Wherever it goes, Pluto brings radical and irreversible changes. This is what it did for the past years spent in Aquarius' Ninth House of friendship and ideals and this is what it will do in the next years in the domains governed by the Twelfth House: enemies, bad luck, etc.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
h@p! b3lat3d n3w y3ar 2o.o8 >.<"
hie every0ne,hap! b3lat3d n3w y3ar 2o.o8 ya...s0ri f0r n0 update f0r s0 l0ng but i pr0mise t0 add 0n new pics n st0ry tat hpnd recently as s0on as p0ssible...all da b3st tis year n may all ur w!shes tat has n0t been granted will c0me true tis y3ar x333luv,piyo aka christine
Saturday, January 26, 2008